Jesus calls Believers the Salt of the earth and the Light of the world in Matthew 5. When we ponder about this, we can realise a common effect that salt and light have: The ability to reveal taste and colour in the substances and spaces they permeate. Salt reveals taste in edible substances. Light also provides clarity in a situation or place. Salt is useful when it adds taste just as light is useful when it provides illumination for those who need it. So the focus of God’s administration of salt and light is not to bring attention to themselves, but to bring an awareness to the flavours obscured and unseen elements in this world. So Jesus calls us to preserve our saltiness and avoid putting a lit candle under a basket. He then tells us believers to let (permit, allow) our lights to so shine so men would see our good works and give glory to God. Our influence of light brings illumination to the God-ordained good works we walk in and the evil works of darkness. Good works ex...
For the first 20 minutes of this sermon video, I reflect on the sentiment of Ghanaians in the 2024 Elections. I give my personal admonition of what it will take to be a leader that serves the highest interests of the people and God. I share my summary notes on the Godly attributes of effective leadership, pulled from my Instagram page which I shared in July 2023. I recommend these few values for political leadership as well. After 20 minutes, during the main portions of this sermon I shared with Tehillah Generation Chapel , I teach about Praying with Certainty in a way that guarantees answers ultimately consistent with the will of God. True Prayer will set God's vision for what has been provided and indicates what can be received. ,Job 38:33, Ephesians 1:3 You can receive nothing except given to you from heaven. John 3:27 We must be filled with the knowledge of God's will to ascertain what is accessible to is. Colossians 1:9 Once, the will of God is established...