It is said that humans have a deep desire to be seen & heard
Paradoxically, we cover up our nakedness after we became dead
So, is vulnerability a weakness or a strength?
Because I struggle to live its full length
I feel that my experience of betrayal makes it hard to trust
That when I open up to you, your sword will not thrust
No matter how trivial, it is a great responsibility to see another bare
Because, you never know when you are the last one to really care
So, true love does not keep a record of wrong, it covers a multitude of sin
God is the only one who truly has the ability to put its memory in a nonrecycle bin
To truly love another, we must become like the One who personifies it
Until then, we risk the insincerity of selfish love shred another to bits
Knoweth the difference between the Pharisees & the few who came to Jesus?
Some determined to be sincere about their religious excess
Others were skeletons in a closet, Jesus called them whitewashed tombs
I'm not sure they knew that one had to be born from multiple wombs
Every quest in us seeking to ask of what is yet unknown
Is a humble heart crying and yearning to be known
No man knows the origin & destiny of the wind's direction
Born of the Spirit is the beginning of discovering your question
Man's sin led to the discovery of his shameful nudity
Before then, God's glory was his estate until Adam's unfunny levity
We have yet again been clothed with glory & honour
To be bare before another without pretense & shame should not be sour
Our scramble for fig leaves to cover up
Only keeps us away from God's true righteousness, a level up
Come as you are to Him, talk to one of His representatives
His love through another will clothe us so we can have incentives
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