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Showing posts from October, 2022

The Blessed Man's 3 Ps

From the premises of  Tehillah Generation Chapel , this teaching is based on the Introductory Psalm, Psalms Chapter 1. In this, I discuss the governing position, posture and procession of the Blessed Man as he/she meditates on the scriptures to make them a living part of his/her life. This will transform your life as you listen.

The Princes of this World

  In this teaching at  Tehillah Generation Chapel , this sermon is culled from the writing of Paul to the Church of Ephesus and in it we discuss the invisible influence of supernatural evil entities, that seek to control the world. We lay down a biblical and Christian application for overcoming their influence over our lives that results in a victorious life in Christ Jesus.

Exposition from the Book of Ephesians Chapter One

  From the auspices of  Tehillah Generation Chapel , we expound on the First Chapter of Paul's Writing to the Church of Ephesus. Paul called it "His Understanding of the mystery, written afore in a few words". This Epistle teaches us God's Express Will for His Ultimate Creation, the Church.