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Showing posts from October, 2023

Aligning with the Will of God - 2 Agendas

  There are two Agendas: 1. The Will of God 2. Rebellion against the Will of God: the will of man outside of God's control is often manipulated by the devil (Matthew 16:23) We must understand the following : 1. Understand what the Will of God is. (Ephesians 5:17) 2. Prove what the Will of God is. (Romans 12:2) 3. Blessings flow in agreement with God's Will and Curses flow in rebellion against God's Will and Design. (Genesis 12:1-3, Isaiah 1:19) To align with God's Will, we must understand the governing design around our Souls (Psyche: Psuche) 1. Renewal of Mind (Ephesians 4:23, Romans 8:6) 2. Steps & Actions Ordered by His Word (Psalm 119:133, Psalm 119:105) 3. Principle of of losing your life (psuche: soul) to find it (John 12:24-26) 4. Principle of (Patience) Enduring Suffering (Luke 21:19) 5. Abstinence from things that trouble your soul (1 Peter 2:11, 2 Peter 2:8): Programmings of lust and visible lasciviousness cause harm to our souls. 6. Spirit-led (Proverbs

Building a Dwelling Place for God

  This is a teaching at an evening midweek service at  Tehillah Generation Chapel . This teaching exposes the dynamics for the Christian believer to host the presence of God in their lives in the life of a congregation. I teach on the Principles of Obedience, offering a sacrifice of Praise, Gathering to His purpose, becoming our God-given identity in order to construct a safe-dwelling for God's abiding presence.