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Praying with Certainty


For the first 20 minutes of this sermon video, I reflect on the sentiment of Ghanaians in the 2024 Elections. I give my personal admonition of what it will take to be a leader that serves the highest interests of the people and God. I share my summary notes on the Godly attributes of effective leadership, pulled from my Instagram page which I shared in July 2023. I recommend these few values for political leadership as well.

After 20 minutes, during the main portions of this sermon I shared with Tehillah Generation Chapel, I teach about Praying with Certainty in a way that guarantees answers ultimately consistent with the will of God.

True Prayer will set God's vision for what has been provided and indicates what can be received. ,Job 38:33, Ephesians 1:3

You can receive nothing except given to you from heaven. John 3:27

We must be filled with the knowledge of God's will to ascertain what is accessible to is. Colossians 1:9

Once, the will of God is established, from His Word & by Divine revelation. You now have the tools to pray appropriately & engage enforcement warfare. 1Timothy 1:18

The Lord's Prayer,... [Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven] Matthew 6:9-10

Daniel 9:2 First, He got insight by Books

Daniel 9:3 Secondly, he set himself to pray


Is prayer that overcomes limitations to receiving. Unbelief, doubt, fear, Pride, & selfishness are the major resistants to prayer.

1. The state of the one praying, James 5:16, Mark 11:25

2. The persistent prayer of the one praying overcomes resistant force of the enemy Luke 18:1-8, Acts 12:5

3. Keeping the sanctity of the prayer closet, Matthew 6:6

4. The power of agreement in harmony with Jesus's presence & Authority is irresistible. Matthew 18:19
